FAQ: Are the mating connectors for the Output and Sense lines included with the N6700 modules?

Yes. The connectors for the Output and Sense lines are included with the modules that install in the N6700 mainframe and to connect to the user’s wiring. The N6705 has built-in banana connectors for the Output and Sense but does not ship with a banana plug. Refer to the User Manual at www.keysight.com/find/N6700 for more replacement part numbers.

Applies to: N6700A, N6700B, N6701A, N6702A, N6705A, N6705B, N6710B, N6711A, N6712A, N6715A, N6715B, N6731B, N6732B, N6733B, N6734B, N6735B, N6736B, N6741B, N6742B, N6743B, N6744B, N6745B, N6746B, N6773A, N6774A, N6775A, N6776A, N6777A, N6751A, N6752A, N6753A, N6754A, N6755A, N6756A, N6761A, N6762A, N6763A, N6764A, N6765A, N6766A, N6781A, N6782A, N6783A, N6784A, N6785A, N6786A

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